From the            
                        JOKIN' AROUND DISK    
                        LEEJAN ENTERPRISES    
                     P.O. Box 66. Happy Valley.
                       South Australia. 5159.  


QUALITY OF WORK: Excellent: Leaps tall buildings with a single bound Good: Must take running start to leap over tall buildings Average: Can leap only short building, or medium (no spires) Fair: Crashes into buildings when attempting to leap them Poor: Cannot recognize building at all; jumps under them TIMELINESS: Excellent: Is faster than a speeding bullet Good: Is as fast as a speeding bullet Average: Not quite as fast as a speeding bullet Fair: Would you believe a slow bullet? Poor: Wounds self with bullets INITIATIVE: Excellent: Stronger than a locomotive Good: Stronger than a bull elephant Average: Stronger than a bull Fair: Shoots the bull Poor: Smells like a bull ADAPTABILITY: Excellent: Walks on water Good: Walks on water in emergencies Average: Washes with water Fair: Drinks water Poor: Passes water in emergencies COMMUNICATION: Excellent: Talks with God Good: Talks with angels Average: Talks to self Fair: Argues with self Poor: Looses arguements with self Now, a systems analyst: ...Brushes medium to large buildings aside with his toe... ...Catches bullets in his teeth and eats them... ...Plays catch with his dog with locomotives... ...Freezes water with a glance... ...Is God... From the JOKIN' AROUND DISK by LEEJAN ENTERPRISES P.O. Box 66. Happy Valley. South Australia. 5159.